
วันพุธที่ 17 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Do I Need Another Credit Card?

Do I Need Another Credit Card?

A credit card can be good and evil at the same time. Depending on how you use it, you can use it for good or use it against yourself. For example, if you use it to purchase items from the mall, use it moderately and you will be safe but when you go overboard and spend on every little thing, it might hurt you in the long run. This is because the more debt you have with your card, the more difficult it would be to settle your debt. If you do not have money for you day to day spending how are you going to spend on paying of your credit card bills or pay the high interest amount. This is the main reason why many people have to file for bankruptcy. They do not know how to use the credit card wisely and end up losing everything in the end. Therefore, when you are considering of getting a credit card, be sure to think about it over and over again. Ask questions on whether you will be able to repay the monthly payment, how would you control your spending, what you would spend using the credit card and are you prepared to face any consequences such as bankruptcy in life. People who really get stuck up in between have poor future and is not even good for their family and even the family pays a big price. These are essentials to know if you are ready for such a big responsibility. When you have a credit card, it is your responsibility to take care of all your financial problems. As long as you make sure that you pay back on time and avoid over spending on the card, everything will be fine. However, it is advisable to NOT apply for any credit cards. This is for your own good. Why need a credit card when there is a debit card available. Debit card is way better because you can only use it when you have the money. You have to preload the card with your own money before you can use it so you don't end up in a pile of debt. Think about it before you decide on applying. You should not take hasty option as it can land you into serious trouble and to avoid this proper planning is required on your part. In the long haul, if you do decide to get a credit card regardless if it's your first or 100th card, there are a few things that you should keep in mind. I know I'll sound like your parents when you're growing up but there are only a few rules you need to follow and you really can take advantage of the rewards. Pay your credit cards off on time and pay them in full. As long as you're disciplined enough to do so, you will have no problem. Don't be like 60% of America, where they can't pay their bills off at all in full.


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